Work Based Learning - Case Studies

Case Study 1

Using internal development teams for technology transfer

A formerly nationalised bank was privatised and a wide range of procedures were required to introduce a new framework for customer focus.  PDF was asked to takeover the creation of  frameworks for selection, assessment, development and promotion of staff to senior positions. All existing staff were reviewed and potential assessed and recommendations for development plans introduced.

However, a key feature of this process was the creation though PDF of internal development teams to run the projects. PDF trained representative groups of staff to undertake internal research and use the findings to set the parameters for the scheme. A work-based learning model provided a basis for the internal staff to take forward future development projects unaided by external consultants. This technology transfer from PDF to the staff group untilised ongoing personal reflective accounts from the staff and regular learning sets to support the process.

Case Study 2

Using staff dialogue groups to create culture change

A multinational telecoms company undertook a joint venture with a cable company. A new London based organisation was set up that was involved in rapid expansion. There was a huge culture difference between telecoms and cable and between the US/Canadian/UK managers and between different specialists concerned with their own areas of expertise.

PDF was able to set up dialogues across a sample of staff within the organisation to draw upon its diversity to build a flexible response system. Using ideas from across the system we built a performance structure that made rapid response possible.  Those staff were involved building the values system to underpin the vision for the organisation. A set of competences based on the work in staff focus groups to deliver on the values was developed. The high level of staff involvement in the design of the system based on their learning from the work place created buy in to the system.

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